What is a Virtual Private Server (VPS)?

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A virtual private server or VPS is a virtual program that operates in a similar way to a dedicated server. A server can simply be defined as a piece of computer hardware or software that stores all the data that is used for your website. The key difference between a dedicated and VPS server is that instead of using a single server for the process, you share multiple physical servers with different users. Despite being shared, as the name suggests, the connection is private. Your virtual server will be exclusively and you won’t have to share any data with other users.

What are the Benefits of using a Virtual Server?

Unlike a shared hosting plan, a VPS internet hosting service offers complete customization for your website. While setting up a business website, one can choose between several hosting options, such as shared or cloud hosting. There are several benefits of using a virtual server. Take a look at a few of them below –

Higher level of performance –

As a VPS is a dedicated server, there are no other websites present, thus resources will only be used for your site.
VPS plans are designed in a way to allocate more resources (including more bandwidth and storage), which improves speed, functionality and in turn, leads to a higher level of performance.

Control over your resources –
There’s nothing more annoying than visiting a website and having it crash or load slowly if there’s a lot of traffic. With a VPS plan, you have the flexibility of scaling up or increasing your resources however you prefer. Unlike shared sourcing, where you have limited control, you can manage them exclusively and expand your resources depending on your site’s requirements.

If you’re planning for a special promotion and anticipating a jump in traffic, you can easily adjust your data and have your site loading speeds increased. A higher level of performance and making small changes that will benefit your customer will encourage them to return.  

Better reliability –
Unlike a shared server where the activities of other customers affect the running of your website, a VPS server provides complete customization. If another website gets more traffic, a shared server means your site is also susceptible to performance issues. With a VPS, you are less at risk and have access to resources designed especially for your website.

Option to choose services you need –

Many VPS servers also offer you a choice of services to pick from. For example, if you’re developing your blog, a WordPress development program might benefit you. As VPS hosting offers you very high levels of security, you can easily store data and information there.
An important decision to consider making is whether you should choose a managed or unmanaged plan. While an unmanaged plan offers you more freedom, you will also be responsible for maintaining, updating, and troubleshooting your virtual server.
If it’s something you do not feel comfortable doing, or honestly don’t have the time for, you can choose a managed plan. In these plans, your web host will do the needful, giving you the time to look after your business and customers.

VPS servers are more affordable –

A VPS server is a more affordable option as you can enjoy the advantages a dedicated server would give you, without worrying about the extra costs.
A great web solution for websites with medium levels of traffic, they are the best course of action if you have a small budget. Cheap VPS hosting is a good way to lower your costs and keep it that way if you’re still in the growth scale of your business. It is a smaller scale process and cheaper than renting a dedicated server.

So how do you choose a VPS server to suit your needs?

The bigger your website and business grow, the more resources you should need. So when you’re looking for a web hosting service, be sure to consider what your future plans may be and how you can choose a hosting plan to reflect growing demand and your changing needs over time.

You will need hardware like a RAM and CPU that have a good amount of storage and work smoothly even if there’s an influx of traffic. In terms of your hard disk, a solid-state drive is recommended for VPS hosting. They are more resilient, fast and have better transfer speeds. Your choice of operating software or OS is also an option. Linux and Windows are the best to choose from. While Linux is cheaper, Windows is more accessible if you’re using a Windows platform.

Further looking in to managed and unmanaged operations, consider that an unmanaged plan will be cheaper, but a managed plan definitely requires more technical skills. If you think you have the skills to handle software updates, technology, troubleshooting etc. by yourself, then you can opt for the unmanaged plan. A managed server will install your control panel, operating system and all the applications you need. They will also conduct automated backups, updated and maintenance, along with security checks.

Most importantly, if you’re paying for a hosting plan, then look into the customer support options available. A website development company can help you with the above, but a managed hosting plan is a good option to pick too. Look for a company that is available 24/7 and can troubleshoot any problems in case of emergencies. You also need to find someone who is an expert and responsive so they can help you understand if a problem has an easy fix or will require extra time to get your website back on track.

With several options, available out there, choosing any type of hosting plan can be a tough task. Consider some of the benefits and factors above when you are choosing your web server. Some of the best hosting services are GoDaddy, Hostinger, HostGator, and Dreamhost. You can compare prices online before choosing a plan that works best when you design a business website of your own.

Photo by Ian Battaglia on Unsplash

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